Waters Sample Preparation + Automation

The Best Team for Your Lab. Better Together.

The integration of Waters sample preparation products with the precision of the Andrew+ Pipetting Robot enhances laboratory workflows. Andrew+ Pipetting Robot offers fully automated liquid handling, utilizing advanced electronic pipettes and labware holders known as Dominos. Paired with the Extraction+ connected SPE device and Waters high quality sample preparation products from protein precipitation (Sirocco), phospholipid removal (Ostro), to solid-phase extraction (Oasis), this system transforms labor-intensive tasks and manual sample processing into seamless, automated workflows, ensuring reproducibility, accuracy, and efficiency in your operations.


Waters Automation and Sample Preparation Solutions for Outstanding Lab Results Infographic

From simple protein precipitation to solid-phase extraction, Andrew+ Pipetting Robot makes all common extraction techniques streamlined and easy to implement. See how Andrew+ and Waters sample preparation products work seamlessly together backed up by data.


Key Applications

OneLab design and execute software supports a range of applications, facilitating complex workflows with simplicity. Here are six notable applications that can revolutionize your laboratory processes and sample extraction:

Automation of PFAS Samples in Milk Matrices Using SPE

There are challenges in the analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in milk matrices, a critical task in environmental and food safety testing. By automating the solid phase extraction (SPE) process, the system ensures precise and reproducible results. The integration of Extraction+ allows for controlled vacuum application and real-time monitoring, ensuring optimal conditions and consistent recovery rates.

PeptideWorks Tryptic Protein Digestion Sample Prep

The PeptideWorks application automates the tryptic digestion of proteins, a crucial step in proteomics workflows. This process is essential for preparing peptides for mass spectrometry analysis. By using the Andrew+ Robot and Extraction+, it ensures uniform digestion conditions and reduces variability for higher quality data. This comprehensive automation enhances reproducibility and significantly reduces hands-on time.

OligoWorks Sample Pretreatment and SPE Extraction

This application focuses on the pretreatment and solid phase extraction (SPE) of oligonucleotides, vital for various molecular biology and genetic research workflows. The automated process ensures accurate and robust sample preparation , which is critical for downstream applications such as PCR, sequencing, and hybridization assays. Extraction+ ensures controlled vacuum application and efficient handling of different cartridge and plate formats.

Commonly Used Bioanalytical Extraction Techniques

When developing new pharmaceutical candidates, bioanalytical methods are essential. The method chosen needs to achieve required sensitivity, robustness, and throughput while maintaining acceptable recovery and matrix effects. Several common bioanalytical sample preparation techniques (PPT, PPT with PL removal, SLE, SPE, 2×4 SPE screening, etc) have been automated and have turn-key solutions with generic methods in OneLab for easy evaluation and method development using Andrew+ with Extraction+.

Glycoworks N-Glycan Automated Sample Prep

Monitoring N-Glycosylation is increasingly applied in the development of biopharmaceuticals and the study of diseased cells. Glycan preparation is laborious, and analytical methods lack sensitivity. GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS accelerates N-glycan preparation while improving detection sensitivity. Repeatability and traceability are assured when paired with Waters Lab automation solutions.

AccQ•Tag Amino Acid Sample Prep

The task of accurately separating, identifying, and quantitating amino acids in the research, development, and commercialization of food, feed, and biotherapeutic products is challenging. To analyze released amino acids by HPLC or UPLC, Waters provides many solutions that use pre-column derivatization so that amino acids can be analyzed by optical detection. Using the Andrew+ robot and OneLab software streamlines the derivitization process.


Waters Sample Preparation + Automation

The Best Team for Your Lab. Better Together.